SprayWall®: a Solution that Lasts a Lifetime
The Only Proven Structural & Corrosion Lining on the Market.
SprayWall® is a self-priming polyurethane lining that reinstates structural integrity, superior corrosion resistance, and provides infiltration control and chemical resistance. It provides the quickest return to service times in the industry, saving you time, energy, and money.

Technical Performance and Specifications
- 50-year design life retaining 72% of Flex Modulus
- 100% solids – VOC Free>735,000 psi Flex Modulus
- Density 87 lbs/cu. ft.
- Hardness, Shore D 85
- Tensile Strength > 7450 psi
- Elongation
- Adhesion excellent (substrate failure)
- Compressive strength > 18,000 psi
- Superior corrosion resistance
- Natural color – golden

Tested and Proven
Don’t be fooled by meaningless warranty claims. Sprayroq products are all tested and proven effective by unbiased, unaffiliated third parties, in rigorous assessments conducted by an ASTM-approved or industry equivalent testing facility.
Want the full specs? For independent, third-party test results, certifications and SDS, and product literature, please see our attached product sheets.
Spraywall® Product Sheets
Request a Free Sample
Want to test out the product for yourself? Reach out to us today and we’ll send you a sample of our product so that you can see for yourself all the great things that trenchless technologies can do for you and your business.
Learn More Today
Interested in finding a Sprayroq™ Certified Contractor in your area? Have questions about our products? Click the button below to contact us and one of our team members will reach out as soon as possible.